Action Learning

Embrace a unique hands-on learning experience

At The Lisbon MBA we have a firm understanding of the symbiosis between learning, thinking and doing. The unbreakable relationship between theory and practice, and the interdependence of mind and hand. Action learning is an essential component of the International MBA program and a decisive contribution to unlock your leadership potential, to sharpen your global vision and understanding of the corporate world. You will be able to apply your learnings and capabilities by selecting from three different options according to your career goals – an in-company assignment, an entrepreneurial hub where you will turn ideas into business models and viable market-fit solutions, or a Social Impact Project.

In-Company Assignment

Do you want to have hands-on experience in a specific industry, function, and/or company of your choice?

A 2-month internship in a real company working on a real MBA-level challenge can help you accomplish that. You must have an active role in searching for the right project but you can count on the Career Management Center for advice and support. It is an excellent way not only to gain insight into a possible career path but also to expand your professional network. 

Examples of previous in-company assignments:
– Develop a marketing plan with an in-depth evaluation of new business acquisition for sustainable growth at HOVIONE
– Define a retail strategy to lead competition at UNILEVER
– Design mobility ecosystem business model for AGEAS
– Develop a crowd innovation platform for shared mobility at EDP 

Always wanted to start your own business? Not sure how to do it?

The Entrepreneurship Hub will give you a solid opportunity to accomplish your ambitions as an entrepreneur.

You will work on your ideas and eventually find the basis for the start-up of your own business while taking advantage of networking opportunities with fellow entrepreneurs. Depending on the scope of your idea you will be introduced to a startup incubator partner to boost your business idea.

The Lisbon MBA Alumni community includes many successful entrepreneurs who will be able to offer their support as mentors during your action learning period.

Entrepreneurship Hub

Social Impact Project

Do you want to make a difference? Combine your passion for social action with your academic skills and professional experience.

As ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) moves to the top of the board agenda, it becomes critical that companies understand how corporate purpose and ESG principles are considered and effectively integrated into the business strategy.

Working individually or in a team, you will develop a business solution for a strategic challenge within the area of ESG in a specific organization. Every year, the Social Impact Project is subject to the availability of projects from partner companies.

Do you want to have an intensive multicultural, hands-on consulting experience?

This unique initiative exposes students to an extraordinary combination of a global multicultural environment, self-leadership, and teamwork, working on real-life business cases, engaging and organizing time and resources in a defined time frame in different geographies where we have partnerships with top MBAs, such as Insper in São Paulo, Fudan University in Shangai, and Egade in Mexico City.

Students implement a vast diversity of international projects, from defining market entry strategies and business transformational models to redefining supply chain operations, incorporating sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Every year, the International Consulting Lab is subject to the availability of projects from partner companies.

International Consulting Lab

What Our Students say about the action learning experience

The Action Learning gave me the opportunity to apply my learnings under close-to-real-life conditions and to improve through access to valuable feedback given by experienced professionals. Partner and Chief Strategy Officer at Doutor Finanças, Portugal

Hugo Rosa Ferreira


The International Lab is a great opportunity for you to develop an international mindset and expand your network. Digital Growth Manager at C&A, Belgium

Lucianna Schneider


The internship was the perfect opportunity to enter a market where I had no previous experience, and have the chance to develop the management tools I had learned in classes. Senior Environmental Consultant at AECOM, USA

Rita Melo


With the internship, I was able to get to know a new industry sector, which was invaluable given my goal of switching sectors. Global Supply Chain Principal - Innovation at Anglo American, Australia

Philip Nelson


The Action Learning was a unique opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and experience the personal growth that can come with a career change. Helen Mayer, Senior Consultant at Porsche Consulting, Germany

Helen Mayer


I highly recommend anyone wanting to pursue an entrepreneurial idea to give it a go: it's not about the end result, it's about the journey. Senior Customer Success Manager at Vision Critical, Canada

Thiago Azevedo


The Entrepreneurship Hub gave me access to a network startups that made the change from a corporate career look a lot more approachable. Independent Business & Technology Advisor in Portugal

Luís Freire


The entrepreneurship classes provided the opportunity to develop a set of specific skills and mindset which were then further developed during the summer project at Startup Lisboa. Innovation Agent at Fidelidade, Portugal

Manuel Coutinho