2 Round of Applications for The Lisbon MBA Part Time

Want to start your MBA in September?
There is still time to apply for The Lisbon MBA Part Time!
There is still time to apply for The Lisbon MBA Part Time!
The second round of applications will take place between 1 and June 31, so you still have the opportunity to be part of the only Portuguese MBA program present in the Financial Times ranking.
Click HERE if you want to start your application for The Lisbon MBA Part Time.
We’ll be accepting score reports until July 20.
The Lisbon MBA Part Time is an MBA program that follows the constantly changing and evolving trends of the market and companies. You will be trained in the core competencies of general management. These competencies will enable you to define and implement the competitive advantages of a business or product to achieve an optimal positioning in the market; motivate, coach, and develop human capital as the main asset of a business, manage and measure the main business variables to achieve the highest level of efficiency and productivity.
Click HERE to know more about our admissions process or contact our Admissions Team:
admissions@thelisbonmba.com or +351 213 822 787.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!