Executive MBA 2020-2022 & International MBA 2022 Graduation Ceremony

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 21 Dec, 2022 6:28 pm

Saturday, December 17th, was a remarkable day for the Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova. The Executive MBA 2020-22 and the International MBA 2022 students gathered to celebrate their Graduation ceremony. It was an event full of emotions, encounters and inspiring speeches, which will forever prevail in students’ minds.


The ceremony started with a musical performance by our talented International MBA students, Goncalo Soares, at the piano, and Juan Esteban Echeverri, with the saxophone. 


In the opening message, Prof. Filipe Santos, Dean of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, stated, “you have now the management competencies and the global vision that enables you to have a stronger and more impactful role in the business and society (…) The world needs all of you more than ever, it needs your sharp intellect, it needs your brave heart.” Following, Daniel Traça, Dean of Nova School of Business and Economics, complemented the message, pointing out that “with great power comes great responsibility,” leaving MBA graduates the duty to “use their power to change the world for the better.”


Our long-standing partners, represented by David V Capodilupo, Assistant Dean of MIT Sloan School of Management Global Programs, highlighted the value of this collaboration while leaving three main wishes to the graduates, namely: “stay close friends,” “make sure your career is something you really want to do,” and “one day, you will be here giving a speech that will be remembered.”


This year’s Commencement Speaker was Pedro Carvalho, CEO Tranquilidade / Generali shared his successful career path, pointing out the need to have the courage to face life’s uncertainties and adversities. He also emphasized the importance of believing in ourselves, being resilient, and being able to have a meaningful impact in the world, stating, “even when you fall, fall forward!”


The ceremony continued with the naming of the Best Professor and Best Student of both the International MBA 2022 and the Executive MBA 2020-22 classes. The award-winning Professors and Students had the opportunity to express their views and thoughts, while reflecting on the key challenges and experiences that led them to achieve this distinction. In addition, we had the opportunity to congratulate the winners of the Triple P – Pitch, Perfect, Performance, the Business Case Competition and the Leadership Challenge.


Maria José Amich, Executive Director, congratulated the students who will soon become part of the Lisbon MBA Alumni Community of more than 3.000 Alumni from all over the world being now their turn to represent the Lisbon MBA and carry their diploma with pride and with the values that it embodies. “This is your moment. Your generation’s time to contribute to shaping the world, a better world. You have the tools, the resources, the technology, and the talent to do it”.


The long-awaited diploma ceremony followed. This symbolic moment represented the transition of the students to the highly regarded Alumni Community of the Lisbon MBA. 


The ceremony was closed by Prof. Margarida Mano, Vice-Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, who once again emphasized the students’ accomplishments, stating, “you are ready to return to the world, to make a positive impact, to become a reference at ethics in business, to guide others in an increasingly global world!”


The Lisbon MBA congratulates all students on their achievements and wishes them great success in their future careers!