June: Follow the MIT Experience!

Students of The Lisbon MBA International will spend a month at the MIT Sloan School of Management, one of the most respected business schools worldwide. During this period, they will study Global Management, visit successful companies in the region and get to know the culture and way of doing business in the United States.
Leadership, entrepreneurship, global strategy, ethics, and innovation are some of the issues that these young executives will study at the MIT Sloan School of Management, an initiative that is part of the curriculum of the full-time program of The Lisbon MBA, resulting from the partnership with the MIT.
Get all the information about our students’ adventure in Boston, from June 1st to June 30th, by following the hashtag #MITexperience2014 and The Lisbon MBA official Instagram and Twitter accounts!
Applications for The Lisbon MBA International 2015 are officially open! Start yours today HERE!