“May the odds be ever in your favor” for the Triple P Competition

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 13 Sep, 2019 2:15 pm

From the left: Hugo Martins, Associate Partner - Amrop | Felipe Ferreira, Associate Partner - Amrop; Pedro Guerner, Head of Group Strategy, Planning & Control - Sonae | Miguel Tolentino, Head of Group HR - Sonae Capital | Maria da Glória Ribeiro, Managing Director - Amrop | Edite Barbosa, Chief Corporate Development Officer - Sonae Arauco | Maria José Amich, Executive Director - The Lisbon MBA.


This week, we launched the Triple P (Pitch Perfect Performance) competition to The Lisbon MBA International full-time students, where they will be challenged to do an individual pitch, presenting themselves to a jury, showing their agility and soft skills as well as their career preferences.


The kick-off was given by SONAE in a company’s presentation so that students can decide to each area and function they would like to be considered for. They will need to convince the jury why they should be selected and hired.


The competition prize will be a full-time job offer to the winner. Furthermore, it may happen, like previous years, that SONAE decides to recruit more than one student. The Triple P competition is the result of a partnership between The Lisbon MBA, Amrop, Sonae and Expresso.