ReImaginar Portugal – an initiative promoted by The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club

Strategic paths for the long-term sustainable recovery and growth of Portugal
Embodying its positioning as the leading MBA Program in Portugal, The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova streamlined through the Alumni Club, ReImaginar Portugal, an important initiative that aims to contribute to the definition of strategic paths for the long-term sustainable recovery and growth of Portugal.
The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club invited 30 leaders, decision makers and thinkers from our community, to contribute with their vision and strategic options. The outcome of these important insights was gathered in a document that will be presented and discussed at a Conference that will take place on November 2nd 2020, from 10h00 to 12h00 and will be transmitted digitally here.
Download the ReImaginar Portugal digital document.
Conference Agenda:
10:00 – ReImaginar Portugal: Welcome | Cristina Campos, President of The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club and CPO Head & Country President of Novartis Portugal
10:10 – Opening session | His Excellence Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal
10:35 – Lecture | How to relaunch and reinvent the Portuguese economy in the European context – by Carlos Moedas, Member of the Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and former European Commissioner for Investigation, Science and Innovation.
11:05 – Debate | Moderated by João Vieira Pereira – Grupo Impresa
With the perspectives of António Costa e Silva, President of the Executive Committee of Partex Oil and Gas and author of the “Visão Estratégica para o Plano de Recuperação Económica de Portugal 2020-2030”; Daniel Traça, Dean Nova SBE; Filipe Santos, Dean Católica-Lisbon; Cristina Campos, President of The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club
11:55 – Closing remarks | Maria José Amich, Executive Director of The Lisbon MBA
12:00 – End of event
The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club represents a community of almost 3000 Alumni from the MBA Programs of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Nova School of Business and Economics and, since 2008, of The Lisbon MBA, a joint venture between these two top business schools in collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management.