Sustainable Leadership – Alex Elson, alumni The Lisbon MBA

When addressing the topic of “sustainable leadership”, we can define two possible paths: one more restricted, related to leadership and environmental sustainability, and the other broader, which is about purposeful, effective and lasting leadership (in any industry). It is in this aspect that I will address.
As a Sustainability Consultant, I had the privilege of working and learning from truly impactful and stable leaders and leaderships, who make a difference in their companies and in the community, and I would like to share (some) knowledge of my experience under the guidance of these leaders, namely in Social Enterprises and B-Corps in the United States, as inspiration for organizations that, regardless of their location, aim to contribute to transforming the world.
Sustainable Leaders are Learners
At risk of sounding cliché, the single most common trait that I’ve observed in sustainable leaders is an insatiable appetite to learn. There is no shortage of literature from the likes of The Harvard Business Review confirming the added value for managers when they zig-zag internally, approach problems from a new point of view, challenge the status quo, etc. etc. etc. However, I find that the best leaders bring knowledge from outside their industry or field – often from entirely unrelated ventures, hobbies or interests. The most enduring leaders that I’ve encountered challenge themselves intellectually outside of the workplace, allowing them to bring fresh perspectives and energy to their business.
Sustainable Leaders Collaborate to Define Goals
For all the obvious reasons (morale, merit-based promotions or bonuses, etc.), nothing is more frustrating than having an unrealistic, unattainable goal passed down from the powers above. I’ve found that lasting leaders understand the importance of involving each individual team member in the formation of his/her own goals. When you feel ownership over expectations, it is easier to feel empowered to meet/exceed them.
Sustainable Leaders Broaden the Network of Their Team
Leaders’ successes are often dependent on the successes of the individual parts of the team. Great leaders recognize exceptional work by broadening both the internal and external network of the individual. By opening the doors to other leaders inside and outside of the organization, you are implicitly acknowledging that your team member deserves a seat at that table. Encouraging your team members to cultivate their professional network – and giving them a push along the way – is an incredible sign of respect that can reinforce your team’s commitment.
Sustainable Leaders Are Dynamic
In my experience – which has been predominately in SMEs – flexibility and a willingness to embrace change have been hallmarks of sustainable leadership. Those who acknowledge a changing business landscape and engage in continuous unlearning and relearning are poised to not only serve as enduring, sustaining leaders, but to enjoy the work along the way!