The Lisbon MBA Alumna with awarded startup

StemCell2MAX just won the Most Investible Company award
Leukemia, lymphoma, diabetes and a wide range of autoimmune diseases may see their treatment benefit from the solution developed by Maria Brandão de Vasconcelos – Alumna of The Lisbon MBA International Full Time program -, Filipa Matos Baptista, Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, Diogo Fonseca Pereira and Silvia Rice Wood, researchers responsible by StemCell2MAX, a biotech startup that operates in the area of regenerative medicine. StemCell2MAX just won the Most Investible Company award at the Investment Forum in Copenhagen.
This team developed in 2009, an investigation that allows them to bring to the market “a product for expansion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), greatly increasing their use in research and potential clinical application,” said Filipa Matos Baptista, co-founder of the company.
StemCell2MAX was founded this year, after six years of rigorous research process. “The company was created following a research project with solid and promising results that respond to specific needs in the research market and in the treatment of cancer patients,” explains the CEO and co-founder Maria Brandão Vasconcelos, adding that “StemCell2MAX responds to the growing need of blood stem cells through a patented discovery that holds the key to their multiplication.”
Stem cells are rare but have, according to the team, a huge potential for the treatment and cure of diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma, so “this discovery is very significant,” they point out.
The Lisbon MBA is proud to have a former student involved in a project of such importance. Congratulations to Maria and all her team!
Read the full article (in portuguese), published in Expresso Emprego, HERE.