The Lisbon MBA Alumni Club launches the initiative ReImaginar Portugal

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 15 Nov, 2020 12:33 pm

The Alumni Community of The Lisbon MBA Católica | Nova launched the initiative “ReImaginar Portugal”, that aims to present intersectoral ideas envisioning the contribution towards a strategic recovery of the country for a sustainable growth. This project started with the compilation of a digital document to be published with 30 contributions from decision-makers, leaders and thinkers that gathered to promote the public discussion regarding the economic and social recovery of Portugal.


This digital document will be made public at a Conference with the same title – “ReImaginar Portugal” and will further result in aftershocks of roundtable discussions and interviews to emphasize and reiterate the importance of defining our goals as an individual country and as a member of Europe.


This Conference will take place on the 2nd of November 2020, from 10h00 to 12h00 and will be transmitted digitally. Contributions will come from Alumni and faculty, and include António Casanova, EVP Unilever, CEO at Unilever FIMA and CEO Gallo WW; António Corrêa Nunes, CEO at Treemond; Cristina Vaz Tomé, Executive Member of Grupo Impresa; Duarte Cardoso Ferreira, Director Building Consultancy at CBRE; Eduardo Ramos, Manager; Filipa Martins, General Director Sapo Altice Portugal; Gonçalo Bernardes, Executive Board Member Unilever FIMA; Joana Santos Silva, Teacher at Universidade Católica Portuguesa; João Maciel, Managing Director EDP NEW, Centre for New Energy Technologies (Grupo EDP); João Nascimento, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Vodafone Portugal; João Nunes, Mining Engineer; João Talone, General Partner at Magnum Capital; Luis Barreto Xavier, Executive Director at Julius Baer; Luís Salvado, Chairman at Novabase; Luís Rainho, Economist, Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing Terrorism at CMVM; Mariana Coimbra, Managing Director Portugal, Spain & Belgium at TDGI – Grupo Teixeira Duarte; Paulo Andrez, Business Angel e President at Toys R US Iberia Holdings; Pedro Cruz, former Business Unit President at ABinBev Africa do Sul; Pedro Guerreiro Gomes, CFO and Board Member at Vortal; Renato Braz, Investment Manager at Innoenergy; Rita Monteiro, Head of Sustainability at Amazon Japan; Rui Melo Biscaia, Senior Director of Product Management at Talkdesk; Sofia Couto da Rocha, Executive Director at Clínicas Cluster Lisboa e Chief Transformation Officer do Grupo Lusíadas Saúde; Sofia Fernandes, Executive Committee Member at Pestana Hotel Group; Tânia Furtado, Executive Director Government Affairs at Gilead Sciences Spain; Vanessa Loureiro, Executive Board Member, COO Switchgear Business Unit, COO Energy Products and CIO at Group Level at Efacec Power Solutions.