The Lisbon MBA launches cycle of Executive Breakfasts with CEOs

Today we welcomed Stephan Morais, CEO of Indico Capital Partners, the first of the Executive Breakfasts with CEOs cycle. Some of our Executive MBA students had the chance to get inspired over an informal conversation, where Stephano Morais shared his leadership journey, and his expertise as an entrepreneur.
To him, networking is a very powerful tool, and it’s up to each one to make things happen. “Don’t wait for someone to do something for you.”, Stephan advises. To be an entrepreneur and an investor it’s essential to have the right co-founder with industry knowledge, a generous dose of ambition and humbleness.
Stephan Morais is the founder and Managing General Partner of Indico Capital Partners, a leading venture capital firm based in Portugal. Indico focuses on software as a service, artificial intelligence, internet of things, fintech, cybersecurity, and digital companies, targeting investments at Seed to Series A level. Founded in 2017, the team at Indico was previously behind the majority of the Portuguese global tech success stories, as investors and entrepreneurs.
Today was the first breakfast of the cycle, an initiative developed by The Lisbon MBA Career Management Center in partnership with Amrop Portugal, where our Executive MBA students get to have an informal conversation with an invited CEO on campus.