The Lisbon MBA students meet Amazon

Today, The Lisbon MBA welcomes Amazon on campus for a recruiting session dedicated to the International full-time MBA class of 2019 and the Executive MBA classes of 2017.19 and 2018.20.
The students will have the chance to meet Claire Mastelli, EMEA Recruiter, and Daniel Mendes da Silva, EU Head of Procurement, and learn all about the company’s culture & leadership principles, what makes Amazon special as well as the challenging journey that the company is going through on leading the way in online shopping.
Through this session, our students will benefit from personalized contact with Amazon, attend a presentation about Amazon’s Culture, MBA opportunities within the company and all about the recruitment process. In the end, they have the chance to ask all questions they might have directly to the representatives.
The Lisbon MBA Career Management Center’s main objective is to support students to understand and manage their careers. Throughout the MBA, several activities are developed aiming to give students the tools they need for a successful lifelong career management.