Triple P – Pitch Perfect Performance

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 15 Nov, 2020 12:35 pm

The Jury panel of the Triple P Competition. From left to right: Sofia Castro, Head of Talent & Employer Brand at Sonae MC; João Gunther do Amaral, Chief Development Officer at Sonae; Ana Luísa Vicente, Head of People & Leadership at Sonae; Maria da Glória Ribeiro, Managing Director at Amrop; Hugo Martins, Associate Partner at Amrop; Ana Cruz, Leader Talent Management at Sonae Sierra; Francisco Maria Balsemão, Board Member at Grupo Impresa; Paula Lourenço, Careers and Corporate Relations Director at The Lisbon MBA; Maria José Amich, Executive Director at The Lisbon MBA; Nuno Carvalho, Leader Talent Acquisition at Worten



Last week, The Lisbon MBA students had the opportunity to make their pitch in the Triple P competition in front of a jury panel composed by executives from Sonae, Amrop, Grup Impresa and The Lisbon MBA.


The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova is extremely proud to partner with Sonae, Amrop and Grupo Impresa in the Triple P – Pitch Perfect Performance – a program that challenges students to pitch themselves in front of a jury panel and to convince them that they are the best talent to be recruited by Sonae. To best prepare their pitch, students participated in several conferences and workshops led by C-level executives from Sonae.


The award of the Triple P competition  is a job offer from Sonae to the student who delivers the best pitch. In the past years Sonae has recruited around 20 MBA students through the Triple P.


To kick-off this initiative, Isabel Barros, CHRO of Sonae MC and Executive Board Member, and Ana Vicente, Head of Talent, People and Leadership, shared with us how Talent is managed at Sonae. João Gunther Amaral, Chief Development Officer, and Teresa Oliveira, Head of Sonae Digital, introduced how Sonae is using Technology with a Human Touch. Finally, João Dolores, Group CFO, talked about Sonae’s Corporate Business Strategy.


Diana Pinto, Head of Marketing and e-Commerce at MO, prepared our students for the pitch competition. Diana started by giving some guidelines on how to make the pitch presentation which, although brief, should be a persuasive introduction of what the student had done, what he/she would like to do, and what sets he/she apart from others. Students were challenged to apply for the job they thought better matched Sonae’s business needs with their  competencies, Sonae’s mission with the impact they want to make in business and/or society and Sonae’s core values with their own values. Diana continued by giving tips on how to position the pitch in terms of slide content, body language and tone of voice so that the pitch would be persuasive enough to spark the jury’s attention. Finally, students had the chance to build, to improve and to practice presenting their personal pitch based on the feedback received with the objective to introduce themselves in a compelling way.


The Pitch competition session was held last week and our students are to be congratulated for the investment they put in the presentation which resulted in showing up in a professional manner and in their best possible light.


The jury panel didn’t have an easy job and in the end three students were chosen to go to a final interview. We will be communicating the Triple P winner in the next couple of weeks.


For the students of The Lisbon MBA International Program it was a privilege to have the opportunity to learn through this extensive program and improve their personal skills to pitch and shine when applying for their dream job.