Business Barometer – Portugal’s Financial Landscape

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 3 Aug, 2023 3:20 pm

The Business Barometer, a joint effort by The Lisbon MBA Católica|Nova and Dinheiro Vivo, provides valuable insights into current economic and corporate trends. The latest edition focused on Portugal’s financial landscape and gathered opinions from the Alumni Community.


Nearly 80% of the former students surveyed for The Lisbon MBA Business Barometer admit that the interest rates on deposits in Portugal are below the Eurozone average, and over half (51%) believe that banks are capable of offering higher interest rates for savings. Going even further, more than 70% of those who responded say that banks should increase deposit rates. Additionally, over 73% have no doubt that banks have been losing savings due to the low-interest rates they offer.


The respondents to The Lisbon MBA Business Barometer also answered questions about the outlook for the global economy and Portugal. Regarding the evolution of the global economy in the next three months, over 35% expect stabilization, 32% anticipate a slight improvement, and 31% foresee a slight economic contraction. As for the performance of the Portuguese economy in the coming months, 36% of the participating Alumni predict a slight improvement, 33% anticipate stabilization, and 26% expect a slight economic contraction.


Regarding employment, 46% of the respondents believe it will stabilize, while 30% anticipate a slight improvement. More than half of the surveyed Alumni (53%) believe that investment in Portugal will tend to stabilize (42%) or decrease (30%). However, 17% of The Lisbon MBA Alumni are optimistic about the evolution of this indicator in the next three months.


As for access to financing in Portugal, 47% of the Alumni predict that it will slightly worsen in the next three months, while around 35% believe it will remain stable.



Read the full article (original) in Portuguese here.



Source: Dinheiro Vivo